Proceedings of International Symposium on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and Mountain Meteorology

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Proceedings of International Symposium on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and Mountain Meteorology

Xu Yigang
Copyright: 1986
ISBN: 9780933876613
List Price: $62.50
Member Price: $40.00
Student Price: $40.00

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Title information

Pages: 1,036
Language: English
Publisher: American Meteorlogical Society
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In this proceeding there are paperbounds presented by the participants at a meeting held in Beijing, China, 20-24 March 1984, including those on the following important aspects relating to mountain meteorology: the field observation, the dynamic and thermal effects of the mountains on the general circulation, the results obtained through the numerical models with the large-scale topography, and the circulation systems on the Plateau.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Session 1: Observation and Analysis (1)

Chapter 2. Session 2: Observation and Analysis (2)

Chapter 3. Modeling and Theory (1)

Chapter 4. Session 4: Observation and Analysis (3)

Chapter 5. Session 5: Observation and Analysis (4)

Chapter 6. Session 6: Modeling and Theory (2)

Chapter 7. Session 7: Observation and Analysis (5)

Chapter 8. Session 8: Modeling and Theory (3)